Þrístapar Memory Site


On a cold day at the beginning of January in 1830, a double beheading took place at Þrístapar (Triple Hillocks), when Agnes Magnúsdóttir and Friðrik Sigurðsson were executed. They had been sentenced to death for murdering Natan Ketilsson and Pétur Jónsson at the farm Illugastaðir, located on the west side of the Vatnsnes Peninsula. The slaying took place two years before in March 1828 and was quite brutal as both men were knocked through the skull with a hammer, stabbed multiple times, and burned when the farm was put to flames after the atrocity. As the district commissioner at the time of execution was of the opinion that vandalism was far too frequent in his jurisdiction, he decided to make the execution an example and a warning. After the beheading, the two heads were put on a stick-on top of Þrístapar for display, and the corpse buried in the field nearby. This was the last execution in Iceland.

Agnes Magnúsdóttir was, without doubt, a witty and intelligent woman but from the time she was born, underprivileged and poor. She was left at a farm and abundant by her mother at an early age and became a pauper living at the mercy of others. In her time she was hardly noticeable but had the drive and intelligence to crave for something more, to move up the social ladder. Ironically she is becoming one of the best-known persons from these parts of Iceland and might be on her way to gain international fame. Her story has received more attention after Hannah Kent published her debut historical novel Burial Rites in 2013 about Agnes and the event leading to her execution. Especially after the announcement that a movie is in the making and Jennifer Lawrence is to play Agnes. An audioguide will be available via QR code in the summer of 2024

Hnjúkabyggð 33, 540 Blönduós
+354 455 4700
Opening hours:

Open all year.

Icelandic Saga & Heritage Association (ISHA) was founded in 2006 (then named Iceland Saga Trail Association). It is a forum for collaboration for those involved in heritage tourism in Iceland, especially regarding publicity, quality and professional standards.

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Email: info@sagatrail.is